Friday 21 April 2023

Portrait drawing workshop with Julie Douglas, 2023


There are many facets to drawing portraits, from capturing the 3-dimensionality of the head, to proportion, creating atmosphere and understanding how to guide the eye of the viewer. This workshop will help you create something which looks alive and dynamic, to capture gesture and movement, creating a believable likeness and an empathetic rendering of the face.


Over 5 days we will look at the head from all angles, helping you to understand the shape through tones and shadows, using pencil. We will look at the form of the head as well as the individual features, working through a series of projects until we reach a full portrait study. We work using many exercises, rather than just one and mostly from photographic reference. 

We will use a variety of visual aids, become familiar with the order of work, and make great efforts to move away from our preconceptions of how to produce a portrait. The workshop is designed to create a relaxed, informative and focused working environment for all skill levels. 

In other words, we will retrain your eye so you ‘see’ freshly, and create new understanding with positive and successful results! This workshops is backed up by several demonstration videos which you can watch over and again at home. They include an extensive explanation of comparative measuring, which is important to grasp. 

With lots of thorough demonstrations and time given to each individual student, your portrait drawings will improve and you have many opportunities to ask questions. Julie has written and e-book of illustrated notes to accompany this workshop. 

Dates - July 17th - 21st  and also  August 21st - 25th

Cost £450.00. Materials list provided upon booking. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 8 students.  For more information please email 

If you would like to do this workshop but are unable to do these dates please get in touch. 

Julie Douglas is an award winning artist with 30 years teaching experience under her belt, both at home and abroad. She is respected for her ability to bring out the best in students in a friendly and positive way. 

She published a large drawing and painting manual in 2017 which is fully illustrated using her own and her students artworks, and is currently writing two more books, one on portrait drawing and the other on oil portraits. She teaches weekly drawing and painting classes from her studio as well as longer workshops.