Little colour chips, prepared by Paul - a full set for each student |
If you've ever attended a workshop which runs smoothly and apparently effortlessly, you can bet your bottom dollar that a lot of time and effort has been put in ahead of time to prepare. With Paul Foxton, the care and attention put into the pre prep was astonishing. From painted cubes and spheres to individual colour 'chips', to home made 'grids', nothing was left out or forgotten.
Paul trimming the chips, the ay before the workshop |
We were blessed to have Paul teaching this workshop. He reckons that only three people in the WORLD teach this method of colour mixing, and the other two artists are in America. We had two fantastic days of Paul's wealth of knowledge, passed on in a caring and understandable way.
Judy doing a little pre-workshop homework! |
Paul explaining the process, surrounded by Mark, Suzanne, Siobhan, Roisin and Tess. |
After describing the origin of the Munsell system, and the logic behind it, students spent the first morning mixing and matching colour chips at the long tables, to a student-sound-track of much sighing, gnashing of teeth and ocassional 'aHA...' moments!
Paul brought large tubes of his own (personally mixed) colour values, mixed in large quantities to save time at the easel.
Paul demonstrating using the Munsell chips. |
Students watcing the demo. |
Students spent the afternoon painting a grey sphere, sight-size. Day two we moved on to colour, using Orange.
Choosing Munsell values |

Each work station is equipped with a photographers lamp to cast an even light on the subject, which was placed on individual book shelves at a height which suited each student.
Lunch was a shared ocassion around the big table in the drawing room. It's important to relax together and refresh before starting the afternoon sessions.
Lunch! |
Lunch!! |
Tess painting her orange cube |
Judy painting the orange cube |
The studio is in an old school building, and the chairs from the junior classes came in really useful for those who chose not to stand to work.
Paul helping students |
Mark, in one of the little chairs! |
Paul's final demo of the orange sphere |
Demo completed |
Back row: Tess, Margery, Paul, Mark, Siobhan, Roisin, Christopher Front row: Judy, me, Paul Foxton, Suzanne |
It was a very full two days, and I'd like to warmly thank Paul for all his hard work, and the students for studying so whole heartedly. I'm delighted that Paul will return in the spring to deliver a five day workshop. Dates to follow!
During the Autumn, there are five weekly classes in the studio as well as Friday Night Life drawing, and alternate Friday evening oils. The next weekend workshop is 20 & 21 October, in portrait drawing and the next children's classis Saturday 27th October.
For info email julie@juliedouglas.co.uk